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Preparing for College - Grade 10

IntroGrade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12

Talk to your guidance counselor (or teachers, if you don't have access to a guidance counselor) about the following:
  • Reviewing the high school curriculum needed to satisfy the requirements of the colleges you are interested in attending
  • Finding out about Advanced Placement courses:
    • What courses are available
    • Whether or not you are eligible for the classes that you want to take
    • How to enroll in them for your junior year
Update your file, or start one if you haven't already. (See Grade 9 for a list of what it should contain.)

Continue extracurricular activities, as admissions officers look at students' extracurricular activities when considering them for admission.

Continue participation in academic enrichment programs, summer workshops, and camps with specialty focuses such as music, arts, science, etc.

Take the PSAT in October. The scores will not count for National Merit Scholar consideration in your sophomore year, but it is valuable practice for when you take the PSAT again in your junior year (when the scores will count), as well as for the SAT I exam which you should also be taking in your junior year. You will receive your PSAT results in December.

Register, in April, for the SAT II for any subjects you will be completing before June.

Take the SAT II in June.

IntroGrade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12
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